Fenkenstrain meets the hero in this quest
Dr. Fenkenstrain appears in a number of quests, such as: Creature of Fenkenstrain and The Great Brain Robbery.
Main article: Creature of Fenkenstrain
Fenkenstrain meets the hero in this quest, here the hero gets Fenkenstrain a pair of arms, a pair of legs, a torso, a head and a brain. Upon doing this Fenkenstrain unites these pieces into a human body and, using lightning, he brings the creature back to life.
However the brain that was used is the one of Lord Rologarth, whom Fenkenstrain had killed years ago. Upon learning the history of the castle, the hero turns on Fenkenstrain by stealing the Ring of Charos from him. Fenkenstrain – now human to the werewolves again – locks himself in the highest tower of the castle to be safe.
Main article: The Great Brain Robbery
In the Great Brain Robbery, the hero needs a brain surgeon to transplant brains into undead monks of Harmony Island, and decides to go with Fenkenstrain.
Fenkenstrain at first refuses but then considers the fact that the werewolves will not get him in Harmony Island and decides to go. After the surgery, Mi-Gor, the undead surgeon that had removed the brains in the first place gets infuriated and sets his robotic, undead, bodyguard monster Barrelchest on the Doctor and the hero saves Fenkenstrain by killing the beast.
Upon seeing his monster defeated, Mi-Gor flees to parts unknown. Fenkenstrain decides to stay on Harmony Island (in the basement under the windmill) to make up for his past mistakes.